A close friend recently launched her eco-friendly grocery bag line right here in Charleston. The beautiful chocolate brown bags are stylish & sturdy. From an organizer's perspective they create order in the trunk, folding up neat and flat. From a "green" perspective, the message is clear. RE think it! With messages printed on the bag, designed to make us think while inspiring us to do better. My favorite part are the cute side pockets made especially for a pot of herbs or your natural cleaning products. Right now the bags are available at Expressions Art & Framing on Daniel Island (next to Publix).
"How can we discover our Sacred Space? Shouldn't our home be a place of peace and tranquility? How can we find balance amongst the chaos of kids, jobs, cooking, and cleaning without taking time away from our family. Sacred Spaces is a holistic approach to organizing through clearing clutter, creating an earth friendly environment, and discovering your Sacred Space. Through my business, I share with others ways I have found balance while raising 3 children, teaching yoga, keeping house, and starting a business. We will work together in your home to decide what is useful & or celebrates you and what is holding you back ie. clutter. I hope creating this blog will provide a forum so we all can find our Sacred Space and simplify our lives so we spend more time living!"
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