Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Another thought on healthy toys...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Toys Made in the U.S.A.

With all of the recent recalls of toys contaminated with lead paint here are a few great toys made right here in the U.S.A. Check out Sam & Bellie's web site for some fun, safe, and colorful toys. All of the items are handpicked by my close friend, Grace, who as a mother of three is concerned about the products she buys for her kids. She only endorses toys that she trusts. Grace also carries Siggs Water Bottles, a favorite of mine. So check out her site www.SamandBellie.com
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Eco Friendly Holiday Ideas

It is a known fact that individual waste production increases between Thanksgiving and New Years. So I thought I would offer up a few ways to keep it green. Here are a few of my favorite eco-friendly holiday ideas:
- Instead of buying wrapping paper consider reusing things around the house. For example children's finger paintings make colorful and festive wrapping, brown bags from the grocery store, use paper from your shredder to pack fragile items. All of these items do not require any new production and can be recycled.
- Decorate your tree with popcorn and cranberries which can be composted later.
- Shop locally! Check out Global Awakenings, a fair trade shop, located downtown Charleston. Not only are you supporting a locally owned store, but the people who produce the products are paid a fair wage for their service. As Marin Anderson the shop owner says, "Shop locally, help globally!" The store is also environmentally friendly, providing lots of great eco-friendly gifts.
- Give the gift of time, talent, or service.
- Donate to a good cause in honor of a loved one.
- Check out http://www.gaiam.com/ you can have a tree planted when you ship a gift.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
First Bloom' in Art Event

Our mission is to promote local artists and their craft while giving back to the public art programs in our schools. Bi-monthly, Bloom’ in Art will host home shows throughout Charleston that will allow you to enjoy beautiful art and community with friends. So, stop in and do your Holiday Shopping with Bloom’ in Art....always new and always local!
November 29th 5-9 pm
6 Wentworth Street
Charleston, SC
At the home of Lisa Sexton and Doug Berger
December 2nd 2-5 pm
725 Hibbens Grant Blvd.
Mt. Pleasant, SC
Hibben Model Home
Kari Kim 843- 364-5502 karikim@comcast.net
Liz Ryan 843-532-3868 esrpea@comcast.net
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Feng Shui? Or just good hygeine?
These "shoe off" and "door mat" practices came about to reduce the amount of dirt that gets tracked into your home. Shoes clearly can be a source of substantial dirt, as is evident from the footprints left when you walk in shoes on a clean, wet floor. Not only can shoes bring dirt into your home, but they can also bring pesticides, lead, and other chemicals that can be present in dirt. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), for example, showed that people bring lawn pesticides into their homes on their shoes. These pesticide-laden shoes were a major source of pesticide exposures, especially for young children who spend a lot of time on the floor and who put dirty fingers, dust, and toys in their mouths. Somewhat surprising was that the study showed that indoor shoe-wearing was a larger source of children’s pesticide exposures than eating non-organic fruits and vegetables. Taking your shoes off and wiping your feet on a door mat or other carpeting before entering were found to be important pollutant reduction measures.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Trash to Treasure? Donate!
www.excessaccess.org – helps you to locate local charities that need what you want to donate
www.fairygodmothersinc.com – finds prom dresses etc. for young girls
www.dressforsuccess.org – provides suits for individuals entering the work force
www.onewarmcoat.org – donates coats to those in need
www.hatsoff-to-chemo.org – provides hats to patients receiving chemotherapy
www.suitcasesforkids.org – provides foster children with suitcases
www.solesforsouls.com – donates shoes to disaster victims
If one cannot find a home for something you can recycle all paper, plastic, and glass through your curbside recycler. Other items may also be recycled and www.earth911.org will tell you where and how!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Weekend Meditation Class spills over into everyday life....
Sunday, October 7, 2007
What about plastics? There has been all this research recently that has come out regarding plastics. Most kitchens are stocked full of plastics especially those who have kids. Do we know which ones are good and bad? That is certainly a way to reduce clutter, throw out the stuff that's chocked full of estrogen....
Yes! A cabinet full of plastic and old Tupperware is clutter. I also agree that an even better reason to purge are the health risks associated with the use of plastics. Years ago I recycled all my Tupperware containers and switched to glass but sippy cups, water bottles, and Blues Clues plates still lingered. With the recent press and current research everything made a trip to the local recycling plant. I replaced water bottles with stainless steel and SIGGS. Available at www.samandbellie.com and www.reusablebags.com. For those with little ones, there is a brand called Born Free that is made of a plastic that does not leach. Leach? Research shows that polycarbonate plastic (clear and hard) leaches Bisphenol A (BPA) which is known to interfere with hormone balance & growth patterns affecting prostate and breast health. Disposable (soft) water bottles may leach DEHA, a known carcinogen, and should be disposed after one use. Or better yet decrease your environmental impact and use a stainless bottle that lasts forever! Fact: Americans use 2.5 million water bottles per hour and little are recycled! So what do you do with little ones that you don't want using your best china? Remember your mom's Corelle dishes? Not only are they inexpensive, they are made of glass yet are shatter resistant, they last, and come in sectional plates for kids who don't like the peas to touch the apples.
Back to the Basics!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Physical Clutter = Mental Clutter
- Does it celebrate you & what you are passionate about?
- Is it useful & functional on a regular basis? (yes, a bread maker is useful and functional but not if it has been collecting dust for 5 years)
If it does not fit the above criteria IT IS CLUTTER!!!!
I just had the great opportunity of helping a close friend with her kitchen. We spent about 4 hours going through cabinets and separated into baskets to recycle and donate. Her positive attitude and non-attachment to material goods made the process very easy. She let go with love and it felt very cathartic as well as exhausting. We finished with a nice relaxing lunch. Not only did the process benefit her but she was able to give items to others that no longer had purpose in her home but would serve someone else well.
A little Karma Yoga anyone?